Frequently Asked Question

What are Self Publishing related FAQ's
Last Updated 4 years ago

Your manuscript represents your passion, joy, hard work and creativity. How do you share it with the public at large (ideally, earning some money along the way)?

Self-publishing is the fastest growing segment of the book publishing industry. Authors find it attractive for many reasons:

  • Publishing companies are difficult to approach and it is difficult for an author to be heard.
  • It is time consuming with no assurance of getting published.
  • With self-publishing you eliminate all such hurdles. You know you are going to be heard and your voice will carry weight. You will be involved in different aspects of the book publishing process, leading up to the final published copy.
  • As a self-published author, you either publish the book yourself by following and executing all the cumbersome process and tasks yourself and get your work published or take help from a professional self-publishing company, like ours. In this instance the author pays the self-publishing company to handle the publishing process for them. Self-publishing services commonly include designing the book cover, interior layout or page setting, editing of the manuscript, assigning ISBN, marketing and distribution and much more.

Why should I self-publish?

Your manuscript represents your passion, joy, hard work and creativity. How do you share it with the public at large (ideally, earning some money along the way)?

Self-publishing is the fastest growing segment of the book publishing industry. Authors find it attractive for many reasons:

  • Publishing companies are difficult to approach and it is difficult for an author to be heard.
  • It is time consuming with no assurance of getting published.
  • With self-publishing you eliminate all such hurdles. You know you are going to be heard and your voice will carry weight. You will be involved in different aspects of the book publishing process, leading up to the final published copy.
  • As a self-published author, you either publish the book yourself or take help from a professional self-publishing company, like ours. In this instance the author pays the self-publishing company to handle the publishing process for them. Self-publishing services commonly include designing the book cover, interior layout or page setting, editing of the manuscript, assigning ISBN, marketing and distribution and much more.

 What can I self- publish?

Books in all topics and categories:

  • Fiction – novels, short stories or plays
  • Non-fiction – management, technical, self-help, reference.
  • Training manuals
  • Biographies and autobiographies
  • Poetry
  • Coffee table books
  • Booklets
  • Novellas
  • Self-publishing empowers you to turn your manuscript into a smartly turned-out book and be known as a published author (the reason you were writing in the first place). It allows you to share the product of your creativity, your book, with the world – a book that you would be proud to preserve for generations to come.
  • No more waiting to get published.
  • You as an author retain the copyright to your work.
  • You have the final say in all aspects of your book development process and much more.

What is an ISBN and do I need one?

An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a 10- or 13-digit unique identification number allowing publishers, librarians, and book dealers to locate specific titles and maintain their inventories. It is necessary to have an ISBN to offer your book on sites such as Amazon, Flipkart and many others, as well as many retail outlets. Each version of a book—paperback, hardcover, second edition, etc., must have a unique ISBN.

Will I need to have my book copyrighted?

Your manuscript is already copyrighted with or without registration if it is your unique creative piece and we print this statement in your book. However, copyright registration with the Indian Copyright Office provides additional legal protection, confirms that you are the legal owner of the published work and allows you additional legal clout. The current length of a registered copyright is 70 years past the death of the author. Hence, one’s family or estate can continue to reap the benefits of the creativity of an author well into the future and before it goes into public domain. Consortium eLearning Network Pvt Ltd ( CELNET ) can help you register your copyright with the Government of India office.

How do I start to market my book?

Marketing is one of the most important tools in selling your book. Marketing not only creates awareness but also attracts people towards your book. Marketing is a vast field with numerous options. You need to evaluate all the options and then zero in on the marketing effort that will best serve the book and your situation. For this you need to answer few simple questions:

Can I make changes to my book after I print it?

Yes. We keep your book’s files with us for the sake of future printings. For a small fee you can make changes in future prints.

How many pages can my book be?

You can keep your book as short as 70 pages or as long as 500 pages. When we say a page we refer to one PDF page (one PDF page = one book page), not one sheet of paper. There are two book pages on every sheet of paper, one on each side. We make exceptions in the number of pages in a book in certain cases.

Yes. We keep your book’s files with us for the sake of future printings. For a small fee you can make changes in future prints. Your manuscript is already copyrighted with or without registration if it is your unique creative piece and we print this statement in your book. However, copyright registration with the Indian Copyright Office provides additional legal protection, confirms that you are the legal owner of the published work and allows you additional legal clout. The current length of a registered copyright is 70 years past the death of the author. Hence, one’s family or estate can continue to reap the benefits of the creativity of an author well into the future and before it goes into public domain. CELNET can help you register your copyright with the Government of India office.

How do I determine the finished trim size of my book ?

Some standard paperback trim sizes are 5″ x 8″ or 6″ x 9″. Grab a ruler and try browsing a bookshelf to find a size you like.

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